Earn the Color Me Social Real Colors basic certification by attending the webinar


What is Color Msocial?


Color Me Social takes a closer look at the strategies people use to interpret the behavior of others. The purpose of this program is to provide therapists and practitioners with an understanding of temperament, an easy to use instrument, and a selection of activities to assist them when working with those who have social communication difficulties. You will find this tool easy to use at work, at home, anywhere you meet people! Using this powerful knowledge, you can develop more effective communication skills and build better relationships. 


Color Me Social is a Social Communication Program used with individuals with autism spectrum disorders (high-functioning), social communication disorder, Asperger's, ADHD, nonverbal learning disability (NLD), pragmatic language disorders and similar diagnoses. Note that children and adults experiencing social learning difficulties often have received no diagnosis! So, anyone with weak social communication skills can benefit.

Strategies for Real Colors® Perspective Taking in Social Communication

Provide Color Me Social to children with social learning weaknesses.