Attend our webinar! Earn the Real Colors® Basic Certification for speech pathologists, psychologists and other professionals that work specifically with individuals with social cognitive and social learning deficits.

The basis of this workshop is teach you how to use the Real Colors® Instrument: a user-friendly, intuitive tool that identifies four temperament types common to all people—Gold, Green, Blue, and Orange. In our workshop participants:

  • Gain an understanding of the four colors (each corresponding to a personality type)
  • Discover where they fall as an individual on the Real Colors® spectrum
  • Learn to recognize characteristics of each of the four colors
  • Discuss what it’s like to be each color

From the very beginning, participants begin to see the world from a new perspective…and have fun doing it! Additionally, taking this a step further, therapists and practitioners will learn how this all ties into social communication and social thinking. Therapists and practitioners will learn skills to:

  • Understand human behavior
  • Understand how temperament ties into communication
  • Uncover communication behaviors specific to each temperament
  • Learn how to teach those with social learning weaknesses HOW to adapt what they say & do to better meet the other person’s needs DURING communication

Register for a Color Me Social Real Colors® Certification Training Webinar

**Please note that the Color Me Social ® program is to be differentiated from the Real Color® Certified Facilitator training which is designed for business and industry.

For information on using Real Colors in business and industry, please see to use Real Colors in business or industry.



Strategies for Real Colors® Perspective Taking in Social Communication

Become A Facilitator


  1. Earn the Color Me Social ® Real Colors® Basic Certification for speech pathologists, psychologists and other professionals that work specifically with individuals with social cognitive and social learning deficits.
  2. Providing Color Me Social® to children with social learning weaknesses you will want to get the Real Colors Basic Certification, you will be able to:

  • Present Real Colors® within the context of your social learning therapy
  • Purchase the Real Colors Instrument
  • Access the Color Me Social® facilitator-only website with advice, tips and information