What is ColoMSocial?

Social communication, or the ability to exchange meaningful messages with others, is the primary goal of interaction; however, individuals with social learning weaknesses face challenges every day in their communication with others. They often struggle interacting with their parents, siblings, and peers. Individuals with social learning challenges may struggle to see another person’s perspective or understand the thoughts and ideas of their communication partner.

Becoming aware of, and interpreting what others communicate to them takes real effort. Once underlying communicative messages are understood, the child is more naturally able to make predictions about the consequences of the situation, consider the communicative intent of the message and then respond appropriately.

Have you ever noticed that some people experience difficulty fitting in socially and appear awkward in their social interaction with others? They want to have good relationships with their peers and develop friendships, but they find social communication a perplexing puzzle. And the worst part is; they often don’t know why they struggle socially!

Color Me Social is a book, soon to be published, that was written to provide the reader with....

Strategies for Perspective Taking in Social Communication

Color Me Social takes a closer look at the strategies people use to interpret the behavior of others. The purpose of this program is to provide therapists and practitioners with an understanding of temperament, an easy to use instrument, and a selection of activities to assist them when working with those who have social communication difficulties. You will find this tool easy to use at work, at home, anywhere you meet people! Using this powerful knowledge, you can develop more effective communication skills and build better relationships.

Strategies for Real Colors® Perspective Taking in Social Communication
